Fostering a dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences for you and the dog. Bringing a foster dog into your home is often the first and most important step in giving them a new chance at a happy life. Many of our dogs have suffered from abuse and neglect, and they need to learn to trust humans again, and know that they are safe and loved. It is very rewarding to watch a dog come to life again, and show his/her love and affection. Pups In Peril will pay for all supplies and medical care the dogs need, including neutering/spaying, routine shots, and other possible surgeries.
A Foster Volunteer’s responsibilities are:
- Providing a safe indoor living environment
- Have a securely fenced yard for play and potty time
- Providing fresh food and water
- Providing Socialization and lots of LOVE
- Communicating with Pups In Peril Volunteers
- Committing to foster the dog until he/she is adopted
- Evaluating the dog while in your care so Pups In Peril can determine the right placement for him/her. We ask that the foster dog be exposed to children, dogs, cats, strangers. This will help determine if the dog is friendly, laid-back, active, good on walks, etc.
- Working with dog to correct behavior issues, ie: jumping, potty training, chewing, etc
- We encourage our fosters to be apart of the adoption process, as you know this dog and can answer questions to potential adopters, helping place our dogs with the right families for them
- Be available and able to take dog to scheduled veterinary appointments, adoption events and allow access for potential adopters to meet.
- Please note that if you currently own dogs, they all must be up to date on vaccines, heartworm preventative and be spayed/neutered.
We have several dogs waiting to be adopted who would benefit greatly from being in a home environment. If you would like to become a foster family for Pups In Peril, please fill out our foster application HERE!!!